Crusader Kings II Wiki
E britannia coa

Britannia is a de jure empire consisting of 4 kingdom titles, 22 duchy titles and 67 county titles. The title does not exist by default in the timeframe of Crusader Kings II or The Old Gods DLC, but it can be created by the player or the AI.

De Jure Territory[]

The de jure kingdom titles within Britannia are as follows:

The de jure capital of Britannia is the county of Middlesex. AI rulers of Britannia are likely to make this their capital.

Creation Conditions[]

E britannia

De jure territory of Britannia

A ruler requires 2 kingdom titles, plus at least 80% (54) of the 67 de jure counties to create Britannia. In addition, a significant amount of gold and piety is required to create Britannia.

Creating Britannia grants the creator 800 prestige.

External Links[]


De Jure

AbyssiniaArabian EmpireBritanniaByzantine EmpireCarpathiaFranciaHispaniaHoly Roman EmpireItaliaMaliPersian EmpireRoman EmpireRussiaScandinaviaTartariaWendish EmpireRajastan


Aztec EmpireGolden HordeIlkhanateLatin EmpireTimurids
