Crusader Kings II Wiki

Major Changes[]

  • Faction System
  • Characters can have both a Plot and an Ambition
  • Retinue System support for the Legacy of Rome DLC
  • Orthodox and related religions have Autocephalous Patriarchs and the Pentarchy
  • Rebalanced Combat, with more focus on leaders and their traits. More leader traits.
  • Liege levies. You only raise levies from your direct vassals, and they are not directly connected to Holdings.
  • A number of self improvement Ambitions for characters
  • New religions: Miaphysite, Nestorian, Monothelite
  • Two new Bookmarks: The Alexiad and The Latin Empire
  • AI: Improved military AI
  • Major speed optimizations
  • Greatly reduced graphics memory load
  • Plugged some memory leaks
  • New events for characters with the lunatic trait
  • Spymaster's Discover Plots job has been renamed to Scheme, and now also affects faction membership
  • New icons added to all decisions

Minor Changes[]

  • Launcher now remembers DLC and Mod settings
  • Very large savegames can now be sent to clients in multiplayer
  • Now always allowed to move capital back to the traditional capital of your primary title (even if you've moved capital once already)
  • You now always need at least two kingdom titles to create an Empire
  • Fixed several bugs with Gavelkind and Primogeniture succession
  • Fixed some issues with the Supply Limit and attrition rules
  • It's no longer possible to place councillors in grayed out provinces
  • Many, many changes and fixes to the history database
  • Character View: Selecting an ambition now auto-updates the window
  • Added ticking war score to Claim All wars
  • Made the Seljuks pre-mobilized in 1066, like the English contenders
  • Added portrait tooltip about a character's religious head
  • Added code for locking Constantinople to the Emperor better
  • Adjusted the colors of some duchies and kingdoms, mainly in Eastern Anatolia
  • Fixed the ship unit position in Lake Mälaren
  • Added "Foreign Conqueror" opinion modifier
  • Ormond is no longer a republic
  • Improved some trigger and event target tooltips
  • Fixed some issues with the "change succession law" CBs against secondary kingdoms
  • No longer allowed to press Muslim women's claims against anyone
  • No longer allowed to press other women's claims on _any_ titles against a ruler with Agnatic succession
  • Fixed a problem with law triggers in decisions
  • All casus belli event effects are now also initialized properly, so they can refer to laws
  • Characters in feudal realms will not flee to republics or theocracies when exiled
  • In republics, courtiers who are heirs to foreign titles can no longer be elected
  • Gave William the Conqueror three more castles at game start and adjusted the initial armies of all three contenders
  • The liege is now imprisoned when losing his or her primary title in a claimant war
  • When creating a new higher tier title in the game, your current laws will be copied (if it's not Duke-to-King)
  • When creating a new higher tier title that has never had a holder before, its holder history will be copied from your current title
  • Plot View: Fixed an issue where Vassal Decisions could be listed twice
  • Plot View: Fixed a bug with the tooltip on the Start Plot button
  • Fixed the tooltip for effects 'remove_title'
  • Fixed the tooltip for effects 'give_job_title'
  • Fixed some bugs with the 'spawn_unit' tooltip
  • Portraits: All characters are now bald if they wear the chain mail hood
  • Adjusted the traits of the main Saxon lords to like Eadgar the Aetheling a lot
  • The end game screen now shows the correct Komnenos dynasty shield
  • Added proper claims and ruler history for Tostig Godwinson
  • The loser in an invasion CB is now imprisoned by the winner if he becomes a vassal of the winner
  • Made the Varangian Guard better
  • Added tooltips to the Flank Leader selection view
  • Fixed a bug where children of Western ethnicity would not look it if of another culture
  • Fixed some bugs with graphical culture type of characters not correctly falling back to Western
  • The Golden Horde now receives slightly fewer reinforcements in the second event
  • Fixed a bug with the opinion penalty for destroying a title
  • Combat events no longer happens the first few days anymore
  • The Ambitions to have a son or daughter now increases fertility
  • Tweaked fertility effect on impregnation
  • Religious wars and Jihads/Crusades now reduce the Decadence for all successful participating Muslims
  • Tweaked some default message priorities
  • You now only get a Weak Claim on titles that have been revoked
  • You are no longer allowed to usurp titles from others in the same realm unless you have a Strong Claim
  • Fixed a bug where you could ask to join the wars of your liege's enemies
  • Muslim Invasion CB outcomes now also affect Decadence
  • Fixed a bug with the "Weaken Fellow Vassal" Plot, where the target could go independent when losing his last Duchy
  • Fixed an assymmetric hostility issue vs revolters of an ally of someone you're attacking
  • The "No Ambition" alert should no longer appear if there are no valid ambitions to pick
  • Fixed a bug with white text showing in some event windows
  • Fixed a bug where the AI could ask to educate children of vassals who were actually 'employed' by the vassal's Spouse
  • Fixed a bug in the portrait tooltip, where it did not always list the highest title a character was heir to
  • Fixed some issues with the wrong event frame being shown for some Knights of St John events- A liege no longers retains any imprison or revoke title reasons against rebel vassals when losing a civil war
  • Decadence revolts now only disband the earmarked regiments when they end- Fixed a bug making Holy Orders theocracies
  • Added missing clergy clothes for other graphical cultures
  • Fixed a bug with dead character portraits not looking correct when loading save games
  • Many new CoAs, courtesy of Txini
  • Fixed some glitches with the inheritance of Councillors
  • Fixed a rare bug with wars ending "inconclusively" just before they ended normally
  • Added more war invalidation explanations to the message
  • Slightly toned down the size of Decadence revolters
  • Pressing the claim of a dynasty member will now always vassalize him or her if possible
  • Fixed a bug with the tooltip for normal AND triggers
  • Titles are now also considered contested if a title de facto above them is contested
  • Tweaked Title Creation and Usurpation tooltips
  • Fixed a bug where revolters could remain in an ongoing uprising even after no longer being part of the realm
  • Crushing a major revolt now gives all direct vassal rulers a +25 opinion modifier of you for 10 years
  • When you White Peace revolters, they now get a 'Spared after Rebellion' opinion modifier of you, +25 for 10 years
  • Fixed a bug where a legitimized bastard would hate the parent for doing it
  • The Mongol reinforcements no longer arrive if the Horde has already been completely defeated
  • Fixed some issues with characters getting opinion modifiers of themselves
  • Added beard portrait scripts
  • Added missing string about not being able to revoke the last Temple Holding off your own religious head
  • Fixed two bugs with landless Mongols not declaring war
  • Claimant Wars: if the claimant is a bishop or mayor, those titles are now lost on success
  • Wars over titles are now more likely to give the title capital to the claimant
  • No longer possible to declare depose liege, or claimant wars on liege while the liege or above is himself in revolt
  • Fixed a bug where vassals could nominate successors for secondary duchies or below
  • Made the basic "Recently Conquered" tax penalty more severe, so it cannot be offset by tech, etc
  • A ward who is at war with his or her guardian now automatically returns home
  • Fixed an issue with the automatic removal of inappropriate scripted traits from underage historical characters
  • Independent kingdoms with a king that controls their entire de jure area can now break out of de jure empires
  • No longer possible to employ Holy Orders while excommunicated
  • Fixed a bug with the tooltips for triggers 'lower_tier_than' and 'higher_tier_than'
  • You no longer pay maintenance for Holy Orders if you're in a justified war, even if you're also in another type of war
  • Fixed an issue where you could not grant titles to vassals which you could not formally create
  • Gave most mercs and holy orders a base culture
  • Ensured that merc and holy order leaders are always of the right culture and religion
  • Slowed down event '39500' which automatically converts counties to Islam
  • Fixed a bug where you could move your capital again after a reload
  • Fixed a bug where a landed spouse who is the councillor of another ruler would not give you that attribute bonus
  • The Excommunicate diplo action is no longer shown for excommunicated characters
  • Fixed an issue with granting titles including lower not fully working if the target becomes independent from you through the action
  • Blocked Agnatic-Cognatic succession for Hordes
  • Horde type culture rulers cannot have Cognatic or True Cognatic succession laws
  • Improved kingdom division on inheritance kingdom split
  • Fixed a bug with characters not knowing of their own plots
  • Fixed a bug with the de facto liege of titles after revocation
  • Fixed a bug with the succession bethrothal icon not showing
  • Fixed a bug allowing you to assign too many wards to a guardian
  • Boosted the effect of the Chancellor's Improve Diplomatic Relations job
  • Corrected many spelling mistakes
  • Added a notification event when a character is killed in battle
  • Both sides in a siege now see the effects of triggered siege events
  • The event where a vassal offers guardianship now shows which child will become the vassal's ward
  • Fixes to the Christian and Muslim tournaments
  • Famous Muslims who join your court now have dynasties and improved stats
  • Scottish names are now English instead of Gaelic, whereas before they were a mixture of both
  • Russian duchies are now called grand principalities, and their rulers are referred to as grand princes
  • Fixed the event where the Hashshashin go after the Mongol leader
  • Revised Combat tooltips
  • Muslim Heavy cavalry now use CoA colors on their flags rather than the christian flag
  • Revised cultural building modifiers
  • Added a global supply limit modifier that increases with tech
  • Ruler Designer now handles culture different from ethnicity
  • Loading screens and flags now look a bit better
  • Fixed issue with special characters in find title box
  • Flanks will now pick tactics even if they have no leader
  • You are no longer allowed to build in settlements held by someout outside your realm or by someone you are at war with
  • Fixed some trigger tooltips that looked bad
  • Added the winners of the AAR contest as characters in the game
  • AI: Smarter about heir nomination when having multiple kingdoms (to keep them together)
  • AI: Fixed bug with silly Muslim handing out of titles
  • AI: Baron tier and landless characters now get a complete AI when they have raised units on the map
  • AI: Fixed an issue where it could spam a player asking to become a vassal
  • AI: Holy Orders should no longer run off to help others if they are already "hired"
  • AI: Will always accept guardians for childen offered by the Regent (and won't have them replaced on its own)
  • AI: Improved passing of demesne laws
  • AI: Should now want to revoke a Castle Holding when the primary holding in a County is NOT a Castle
  • AI: Prevented some stupid placing of the Chancellor to fabricate claims
  • AI: Vassals will no longer spontaneously declare war on their liege to depose him or take a title off him (these things are now faction based.) The only time they might declare war on their own is to create a succession crisis.
  • AI: Improved handing out of counties if it's over the demesne limit
  • AI: Will now execute "vassal decisions" (like blinding and castrating prisoners)
  • AI: Will now switch Guardian for children if appropriate (wrong religion or culture)
  • AI: Will not disband free galleys (from event effects)
  • AI: Fixed some bugs with turning betrothals into marriages
  • AI: More careful with title usurpation and the cost in gold
  • Diplo AI: Fixed a bug with "divine blood" marriage calculation
  • Diplo AI: Does not care about Matrilineal marriage factors if both parties are from the same dynasty
  • Diplo AI: Children in other realms will now still accept education offers from their own parents
  • Diplo AI: Fixed a bug with borked marriage proposals and spamming
  • Diplo AI: Less aggressive about revoking titles (requires a worse opinion or religious enmity)
  • Diplo AI: Will now break betrothals that won't be accepted anymore
  • Diplo AI: will not revoke titles while under a regency
  • Diplo AI: Early surrender now possible with Muslim invasion CBs. Defender more stubborn.

For Modders[]

  • IMPORTANT: Added 'inherit_chance' to traits, replacing 'congenital'
  • The 'replace_path' bug is now fixed for real
  • Added 'effect' character history command. It's like an event option that's run for the character at game start.
  • Fixed a bug with 'immortal' traits and sex appeal
  • Added trigger 'leads_faction'
  • Added trigger 'faction_power'
  • Added trigger and effect 'any_faction_backer'
  • Added trigger 'completely_controls = [title]' (I or my vassals hold everything in it)
  • Added trigger 'revolt_distance'
  • The 'ai_will_do' clause in Decisions is no longer binary (the value determines the MTTH)
  • Fixed an issue with law triggers in the 'ai_will_do' field of decisions
  • Added trigger 'in_faction'
  • Added trigger 'war_title'
  • Added trigger 'defending_against_claimant'
  • Added event targets 'supported_claimant' and 'supported_claimant_title'
  • Added 'set_parent_religion' effect
  • Can now create Lowborn characters with the 'create_character' effect
  • Fixed a bug with scripted attributes in the 'create_character' effect
  • Fixed a bug in the 'conquest_culture' trigger
  • Added 'is_conquered' trigger
  • Added event targets 'heir_under_seniority_law' and 'heir_under_primogeniture_law'
  • Added trigger 'any_claimant'
  • Added 'from_potential' trigger to decisions (vassal and dynasty decisions only)
  • Added event effect 'add_spouse_matrilineal'
  • Added 'opinion_diff' trigger
  • The event targets 'owner' and 'holder_scope' are now the same and work on both titles and provinces
  • Added event effect 'copy_title_history'
  • Added event effect 'copy_title_laws'
  • Fixed a bug with trigger 'is_landed = no'
  • Fixed a bug in the effect 'spawn_unit' with the 'match' argument
  • Can now set a specific leader in the effect 'spawn_unit'
  • Fixed a bug in trigger 'de_jure_liege_or_above'
  • Fixed a bug in trigger 'de_jure_vassal_or_below'
  • Fixed some bugs with the 'set_name' effect
  • The 'set_name' effect can now change the name of titles
  • Added 'capital' effect
  • Added 'province_capital' effect
  • Added effect 'participation_scaled_decadence'
  • Added trigger 'num_of_faction_backers'
  • Added trigger 'race'
  • Added trigger 'graphical_culture'
  • Fixed a bug with event name spaces not working in 'events' fields in On Actions
  • Fixed a bug with event name spaces not working in 'events' fields in Job Actions
  • Added 'divine_blood' marriage opinion modifiers
  • Added more gradual Attrition Defines
  • Added 'secondary_graphical_culture' to cultures and culture groups (a fallback option, when not having certain DLCs)
  • Added trigger 'has_earmarked_regiments'
  • Added 'earmark' argument to the 'spawn_unit' event effect
  • The 'disband_event_forces' effect now takes an earmark argument
  • Added trigger 'diplomatic_immunity'
  • Added effect 'diplomatic_immunity'
  • Exported AGE_OF_MARRIAGE to defines
  • Ported the last old defines to lua
  • Added SeaZone province text promotion
  • Added PrevPrev text promotion
  • Added trigger 'is_tribal_type_title'
  • Added trigger 'has_horde_culture'
